The Catenian Association - Redditch Circle
The motto of the Association is “Strengthening Family Life Through Friendship and Faith”, but we also aim to have fun whilst doing so.
Redditch Circle meets on the third Thursday of each month, except December.
Redditch Circle meets on the third Thursday of each month, except December.

The Catenian Association: An international group of like-minded Catholic men who meet socially at least once a month in addition to other family and social activities. Formed in 1908 for the purpose of providing mutual support and encouragement in their social and business lives, there are some 10,500 members (brothers) in 300 local branches (circles) mainly in Britain, but increasingly in Australia and India as well as Ireland, Malta, Africa and Hong Kong.
Supportive activities include the establishment and administration of benevolent funds. Help is also offered to young Catholics, particularly in the choice or furtherance of their careers. Grants are sometimes available through a special Bursary Fund designed to benefit young Catholics who wish to involve themselves actively in Christian projects for the benefit of the community, at home or abroad. More detailed information can be found at:-
While the Association is non-political and only rarely acts as a fund-raising or Catholic Action pressure group, its members are to be found in many spheres of Catholic activity whether in parish administration and support or in organisations such as the ACROSS Trust (Jumbulance), H.C.P.T. - The Pilgrimage Trust, Marriage Care and the SVP. In the Jubilee Year it accepted responsibility for supplying the vestments, sacred vessels, Mass sheets and consumables etc. for use at R.C. Masses in the Millennium Dome Prayer Space and Chapel; so helping to confirm a Catholic & Christian presence there. The Association organised and provided the stewarding for the Papal Mass in Cofton Park in 2010.
(contributed by C. Figgett)
Supportive activities include the establishment and administration of benevolent funds. Help is also offered to young Catholics, particularly in the choice or furtherance of their careers. Grants are sometimes available through a special Bursary Fund designed to benefit young Catholics who wish to involve themselves actively in Christian projects for the benefit of the community, at home or abroad. More detailed information can be found at:-
While the Association is non-political and only rarely acts as a fund-raising or Catholic Action pressure group, its members are to be found in many spheres of Catholic activity whether in parish administration and support or in organisations such as the ACROSS Trust (Jumbulance), H.C.P.T. - The Pilgrimage Trust, Marriage Care and the SVP. In the Jubilee Year it accepted responsibility for supplying the vestments, sacred vessels, Mass sheets and consumables etc. for use at R.C. Masses in the Millennium Dome Prayer Space and Chapel; so helping to confirm a Catholic & Christian presence there. The Association organised and provided the stewarding for the Papal Mass in Cofton Park in 2010.
(contributed by C. Figgett)